Erica Liberto
Professore/Professoressa associato/a
- Dipartimento di Scienza e Tecnologia del Farmaco
- SSD: CHIM/10 - chimica degli alimenti
- ORCID: 0000-0001-6675-8517
- Department of Drug Science and Technology
- Dipartimento di Scienza e Tecnologia del Farmaco
- Corsi di studio in
Farmacia - Chimica e tecnologia farmaceutiche - Corso di Laurea in Tecniche Erboristiche
- Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze e tecnologie alimentari - STAL
- Dottorato in Scienze Farmaceutiche e Biomolecolari
Curriculum vitae
Prodotti della ricerca
Tutti i miei prodotti della ricercaProdotti della ricerca selezionati
Strocchi G, Bagnulo E, Ruosi MR, Ravaioli G, Trapani F, Bicchi C, Pellegrino G, Liberto E. (2022) Potential Aroma Chemical Fingerprint of Oxidised Coffee Note by HS-SPME-GC-MS and Machine Learning. Foods (Basel, Switzerland) 11(24) [DOI PMID]
Caratti A, Squara S, Stilo F, Battaglino S, Liberto E, Cincera I, Genova G, Spigolon N, Bicchi C, Cordero C. (2022) Integrated Strategy for Informative Profiling and Accurate Quantification of Key-Volatiles in Dried Fruits and Nuts: An Industrial Quality Control Perspective. Foods (Basel, Switzerland) 11(19) [DOI PMID]
Strocchi G, Rubiolo P, Cordero C, Bicchi C, Liberto E. (2022) Acrylamide in coffee: What is known and what still needs to be explored. A review. Food chemistry 393 133406 [DOI PMID]
Squara S, Stilo F, Cialie Rosso M, Liberto E, Spigolon N, Genova G, Castello G, Bicchi C, Cordero C. (2022) Corylus avellana L. Aroma Blueprint: Potent Odorants Signatures in the Volatilome of High Quality Hazelnuts. Frontiers in plant science 13 840028 [DOI PMID]
Capetti F, Marengo A, Cagliero C, Liberto E, Bicchi C, Rubiolo P, Sgorbini B. (2021) Adulteration of Essential Oils: A Multitask Issue for Quality Control. Three Case Studies: Lavandula angustifolia Mill., Citrus limon (L.) Osbeck and Melaleuca alternifolia (Maiden & Betche) Cheel. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) 26(18) [DOI PMID]
Stilo F, Jimenez-Carvelo AM, Liberto E, Bicchi C, Reichenbach SE, Cuadros-Rodriguez L, Cordero C. (2021) Chromatographic Fingerprinting Enables Effective Discrimination and Identitation of High-Quality Italian Extra-Virgin Olive Oils. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 69(31) 8874-8889 [DOI PMID]
Stilo F, Liberto E, Reichenbach SE, Tao Q, Bicchi C, Cordero C. (2021) Exploring the Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Volatilome by Adding Extra Dimensions to Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography and Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Featuring Tandem Ionization: Validation of Ripening Markers in Headspace Linearity Conditions. Journal of AOAC International 104(2) 274-287 [DOI PMID]
Cialie Rosso M, Stilo F, Squara S, Liberto E, Mai S, Mele C, Marzullo P, Aimaretti G, Reichenbach SE, Collino M, Bicchi C, Cordero C. (2021) Exploring extra dimensions to capture saliva metabolite fingerprints from metabolically healthy and unhealthy obese patients by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography featuring Tandem Ionization mass spectrometry. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 413(2) 403-418 [DOI PMID]
Stilo F, Liberto E, Spigolon N, Genova G, Rosso G, Fontana M, Reichenbach SE, Bicchi C, Cordero C. (2021) An effective chromatographic fingerprinting workflow based on comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography - Mass spectrometry to establish volatiles patterns discriminative of spoiled hazelnuts (Corylus avellana L.). Food chemistry 340 128135 [DOI PMID]
Scavarda C, Cordero C, Strocchi G, Bortolini C, Bicchi C, Liberto E. (2021) Cocoa smoky off-flavour: A MS-based analytical decision maker for routine controls. Food chemistry 336 127691 [DOI PMID]
Benetti E, Liberto E, Bressanello D, Bordano V, Rosa AC, Miglio G, Haxhi J, Pugliese G, Balducci S, Cordero C. (2020) Sedentariness and Urinary Metabolite Profile in Type 2 Diabetic Patients, a Cross-Sectional Study. Metabolites 10(5) [DOI PMID]
Liberto E, Bressanello D, Strocchi G, Cordero C, Ruosi MR, Pellegrino G, Bicchi C, Sgorbini B. (2019) HS-SPME-MS-Enose Coupled with Chemometrics as an Analytical Decision Maker to Predict In-Cup Coffee Sensory Quality in Routine Controls: Possibilities and Limits. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) 24(24) [DOI PMID]
Perotti P, Cordero C, Bortolini C, Rubiolo P, Bicchi C, Liberto E. (2020) Cocoa smoky off-flavor: Chemical characterization and objective evaluation for quality control. Food chemistry 309 125561 [DOI PMID]
Stilo F, Liberto E, Reichenbach SE, Tao Q, Bicchi C, Cordero C. (2019) Untargeted and Targeted Fingerprinting of Extra Virgin Olive Oil Volatiles by Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry: Challenges in Long-Term Studies. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 67(18) 5289-5302 [DOI PMID]
Cordero C, Guglielmetti A, Bicchi C, Liberto E, Baroux L, Merle P, Tao Q, Reichenbach SE. (2019) Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled with time of flight mass spectrometry featuring tandem ionization: Challenges and opportunities for accurate fingerprinting studies. Journal of chromatography. A 1597 132-141 [DOI PMID]
Mack CI, Egert B, Liberto E, Weinert CH, Bub A, Hoffmann I, Bicchi C, Kulling SE, Cordero C. (2019) Robust Markers of Coffee Consumption Identified Among the Volatile Organic Compounds in Human Urine. Molecular nutrition & food research 63(10) e1801060 [DOI PMID]
Sgorbini B, Cagliero C, Acquadro S, Marengo A, Cordero C, Liberto E, Bicchi C, Rubiolo P. (2019) Evaluation of volatile bioactive secondary metabolites transfer from medicinal and aromatic plants to herbal teas: Comparison of different methods for the determination of transfer rate and human intake. Journal of chromatography. A 1594 173-180 [DOI PMID]
Sgorbini B, Cagliero C, Liberto E, Rubiolo P, Bicchi C, Cordero C. (2019) Strategies for Accurate Quantitation of Volatiles from Foods and Plant-Origin Materials: A Challenging Task. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 67(6) 1619-1630 [DOI PMID]
Liberto E, Cordero C, Bicchi C. (2019) 4(th) Conference on Cocoa Coffee and Tea (CoCoTea 2017) - The world in a cup. Food research international (Ottawa, Ont.) 115 302 [DOI PMID]
Corsi di studio in
Farmacia - Chimica e tecnologia farmaceutiche - Aspetti regolatori dei prodotti per la salute (STF0043)
Corsi di studio in
Farmacia - Chimica e tecnologia farmaceutiche - Botanicals, alimenti funzionali e integratori alimentari (STF0029)
Corsi di studio in
Farmacia - Chimica e tecnologia farmaceutiche - Chimica degli alimenti e dei prodotti dietetici (Tecniche erboristiche) (FAR0255)
Corso di Laurea in Tecniche Erboristiche - Chimica degli alimenti e prodotti dietetici (STF0053B)
Corsi di studio in
Farmacia - Chimica e tecnologia farmaceutiche - Prodotti salutistici: approfondimenti (STF0033)
Corsi di studio in
Farmacia - Chimica e tecnologia farmaceutiche
Temi di ricerca
The research activity is focused on the chemical characterization of foods through the analysis of the volatile fraction using advanced analytical approaches. The research strategy was directed towards the integration between the 4 fundamental phases of the analytical process which include sample preparation, component separation by mono- and bi-dimensional chromatography, identification / quantification by mass spectrometry, the processing of chromatographic data (data processing) and processing of results (data elaboration) using chemometric techniques. This last phase is a research area that aims to integrate the aspects of methodological and instrumental development in order to maximize the extraction of information functional to the chemical study of highly complex foods.
The research topics on which the studies were oriented include: (a) the chemical characterization and the diagnostic importance of the volatile fraction of high quality foods (coffee, cocoa, hazelnuts, rice and extra-virgin olive oil); (b) process characterization (technological markers and process-on-line monitoring) and sensory quality definition through chemical markers by several approaches typical of OMICS disciplines - Foodomics, Flavoromics and Sensomics (i.e., multidimensional analytical techniques: GC-MS and ES-GC-MS, GCxGC-MS, LC-MS) on different food matrices (coffee, cocoa, hazelnuts, extra-virgin olive oil, rice);(c) the development of analytical strategies to monitor the process of roasting coffee, hazelnuts and cocoa, using chemical indexes, and in-line measurement approaches; (d) the development of sample preparation approaches based on solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and / or the use of miniaturized devices (stir-bar sorptive extraction - SBSE, headspace sorptive extraction - HSSE, solid -phase dynamic extraction - SPDE etc ..) and can be integrated into analysis platforms; (e) the study of the interaction between dietary components and metabolism through metabolic profiling approaches (metabolite profiling) of biological fluids (urine and plasma) from healthy volunteers and / or animal models of dietary intervention.
- Probiotici nella sensibilità non celiaca al glutine (PROBIOSENS)
- NUTRAcore - Piattaforma integrata per lo sviluppo di processi innovativi nel contesto della bio-economia finalizzati alla produzione sostenibile di ingredienti funzionali e sicuri per alimenti e nutraceutici
- Salivage JPI-A healthy diet for an healthy life 2017-SALIVAGES “Innovative Technological Approaches for validation of Salivary AGEs as novel biomarkers in evaluation of risk factors in diet-related diseases”
Gruppi di ricerca
Progetti di ricerca
- Valorization of Italian OLive products through INnovative analytical tools- VIOLIN
- Essenza del Territorio (OFFICINA AROMATARIA) - CONCLUDED
- Essenza del territorio. Una rete per le vie sabaude dei profumi e dei sapori (LAGNASCO) - CONCLUDED
- EcoFood
- Genepì delle Alpi e altre piante officinali (ALCOTRA-GENEALP)
- Innovazione Tecnologica, Automazione e nuovi Controlli Analitici (ITACA)
- Monitoraggio esposizione a vegetali (POISON)
Attività in agenda
Ricevimento studenti
Si da la massima disponibilità previo appuntamento via mail.Proposte di tesi, tirocini e stage
- Guarda il video delle nostre proposte tesi
- Tesi in azienda
- Sensomics: correlazione sensoriale tra aroma e profiling chimico di alimenti
- Food off-flavor and analytical procedures for industrial quality control
- Foodomics-marker metabolici della dieta
- Food supply chain authentication: focus on comfort food powders
- Progetto in collaborazione con Soremartec Ferrero Cocoa De-risking disponibile subito
- Volatiloma di fluidi corporei: effetto di una dieta modificata in nutrienti
tutor III years' pharmacy student, first aid assistant, PhD tutor, CMR Commission of the Pharmacy degree, chairman of the "I. Guareschi" library commission